1912 Ronaldson Bros. & Tippett Brochure

Below is the 1912 catalogue from Ronaldson Bros. & Tippett showcasing the range of items they made. This book is in our collection.
Above poster is available from our online store – Click Here

A trio of enterprising Australians, qualified in the higher branches of mechanics and modern engineering, each proficient and expert in his special department, about 10 years ago saw the necessity of having a purely Australian Oil Engine and other improved machinery built to suit the conditions of their own country. They built extensive works, and placed upon the market the now famous “AUSTRAL” Kerosene Oil Engine, together with their improved chaffcutting machinery, and established a business and reputation which will survive the test of time.
Knowing that older Oil Engine makers were hampered by unsuitable systems of applying kerosene in their Oil Engines, RONALDSON BROS. & TIPPETT improved even the latest and modern methods to such purpose that their “AUSTRAL” Oil Engine has no real rival in power or low running cost, nor is there a more simple, safe, and reliable engine in existence for the Farm, Dairy, or Factory. This has been proved all over Australia, where the best and most intelligent of farmers and others are ignoring all wasteful systems and high speed petrol sparking devices for slow running, substantial, and satisfactory “AUSTRAL” Kerosene Engine.
Competitors in England and America who failed to produce a kerosene engine equal to the “AUSTRAL,” turned their attention to benzine and petrol motors, etc., thus going from bad to worse, by adding complications to increase working cost.
After careful investigation and testing, this Firm can see no sound or practical reasons for altering their high-class, economical, and reliable kerosene engine system for something less satisfactory, nor does the majority of sensible and practical buyers desire the change. There is no firm south of the line better able or more qualified to supply that want if it were advisable, but they place too much value on their and the future success of their customers to deceive the with an inferior system of cheaper construction using a costly fuel, and which, in the long run, must prove a trouble, worry, and unreasonable expense to all concerned.
Intending purchasers should make careful investigation, and not be talked or bounced into buying some foreign power when there is something better at their own door, with longer life and greater guarantees, and the actual makers always at call (not mere agencies, changing from one type to another to evade liability). A penny stamp will secure all the information buyers may want, and save them a lot of cash; or a visit at the Firm’s expense will let them see one of the most go-ahead Factories in Australia. They can inspect material used, and methods of workmanship which cannot be excelled in any country under the sun.
The wonderful progress of RONALDSON BROS. & TIPPETT has been the result of sterling merit in all their modern machinery, together with liberal and straightforward methods of business, which has made every customer a friend and voluntary advocate for the Firm.

Portion of machine and fitting shops

Corner of Moulding Shop

Blacksmith’s Shop

Carpenter’s Shop

One End of Engine Testing Department

Part of Paint Shop

Show Room
Available from our online store – Click Here

Available from our online store – Click Here

“Every Customer a Friend” has been our motto for years, with the result that we have thousands of friends, and are doubling the number every year.
No other firm in Australia gives such attention to their customers’ requirements, or guarantees their engines free for renewals and attention for several years as we do.
In dealing with the actual makers the advantages are apparent: The customer has prompt attention at his command. Agents and Importers may come and go, but the “Austral” goes on for ever. And in course of time when duplicates may be required, it is better to be in touch with actual maker than dependent upon an importer, who may have relinquished the agency of your engine for another; and you can whistle for duplicates or further attention.
A Few Gags “Gagged,”
The “No Interest Gag.” – In buying on terms some people are led to believe that no interest is charged that the seller is a heaven-sent philanthropist who gives something for nothing; and the delusion may be satisfying until some day he discovers that his neighbour, who paid cash, got his outfit much cheaper; the differences making 10 to 15 per cent. interest after all. We deal on other lines. Our prices are always the same – cash or terms. When a customer requires terms, he pays a fraction over bank interest. It is a square, plain transaction without trace of deception; and if the buyer can obtain cash elsewhere at less cost, we are all the better pleased. If he tells his Banker the advance is to buy an “Austral” Oil Engine, its well-known value as an asset will secure him the best of terms at any bank.
The “Cart Load of Fuel” Gag. – Some engines are so costly to run that large quantities of fuel are thrown in with the engine, apparently, free. But wait a bit. Even with a twelve months’ free supply to cover up its costly consumption, it comes to an end; and for year after year, the cravings of that greedy engine must be satisfied, or it will refuse duty. Interest and Compound interest has then to be paid on oil, petrol, or benzine supplies while it lasts, or until it is passed out to make room for a money-saving, economic “Austral”.
The Old Plant as “Part Payment” Gag. – The popularity of the internal combustion engine as a farm power has made a lot of people regard their horseworks and old steam engines with disdain; and the engineman who comes along and offers them a nearly new price can simply add the amount allowed to the price of the engine, and make a profit by reselling the old plant at half the price allowed for it. The buyer should know that anyone offering double the market value for his old gear is working a transparent gag to his face, and taking him down behind his back.
Beware of these and other ingenious tales and cheap-jack methods of bartering. Enquire, investigate, inspect, then decide, and keep your capital in Australia. There is no end of equally-deceptive gags about Australian workmen, material, designs, etc., but they are nearly all played out by convincing evidence, which any sensible buyer can obtain direct from the makers or by seeing for himself.