Ronaldson Bros. & Tippett Lighting Plants

Austral Oil Engine

Special plants or higher voltages quoted for on application. Plants with Kerosene engines up to 20 H.P.
Crude Oil Plants from 16 B.H.P. upwards.
Typical Kerosene Engine Lighting Plant
When clients prefer it, or where the power requirements are outside the scope of our petrol engine plants, we supply the above type of plant with special, extra heavy flywheels on engine. These sets are not self starting, but if absolutely necessary, we can, in most cases, fit self starting gear at extra cost.
Price List
3 H.P. Kerosene engine, 1,200 watt 32/45 volt dynamo, 120/180 amp. hr. cell battery, standard switchboard, battery stand, belting and pulley. £270
4 H.P. Kerosene engine, 2,500 watt 32/45 volt dynamo, 150/210 amp. hr., 16 cell battery, standard switchboard, battery stand, belting and pulley. £298
5 H.P. Kerosene engine, 2,500 watt, 32/45 volt dynamo, 150/210 amp. hr., 16 cell battery, standard switchboard, battery stand, belting and pulley. £325
Type CB

Ronaldson Tippett Type CB
Crude Oil Engine Lighting Plant
Electrify your home for 1 shilling per week.
One shillings worth of Diesel Fuel will supply 150 candle power for one week.
Type CB – 1000 Watt, 32 Volt Electric Lighting Plant
Type D

Ronaldson Tippett Type D, No. 2 Direct Drive Lighting Unit

Ronaldson Tippett Type D, No. 2 Belt Driven Lighting Unit

Ronaldson Tippett Type D, No. 3 Direct Drive Lighting Unit

Ronaldson Tippett Type D, No. 3 Belt Driven Lighting Unit

Ronaldson Tippett Type D, No. 4 Direct Drive Lighting Unit
No. 2 Plant – Direct Coupled or Belt Driven – comprises 2 H.P., heavily built, slow speed vertical Benzine Engine, highest grade British Dynamo, 16-cell glass jar battery of 90 amp. hrs capacity at 10-hour continuous discharge, or 130 amp. hrs on S.A.E. rating, battery stand, substantial switchboard, and girder base for engine and dynamo.
No. 3 Plant – Direct Coupled or Belt Driven – comprises 3 H.P., heavily built, slow speed vertical Benzine Engine, highest grade British Dynamo, 16-cell glass jar battery of 120 amp. hrs capacity at 10-hour continuous discharge, or 180 amp. hrs on S.A.E. rating, battery stand, substantial switchboard, and girder base for engine and dynamo.
No. 4 Plant – Direct Coupled or Belt Driven – comprises 4 H.P., heavily built, slow speed vertical Benzine Engine, highest grade British Dynamo, 16-cell glass jar battery of 150 amp. hrs capacity at 10-hour continuous discharge, or 210amp. hrs on S.A.E. rating, battery stand, substantial switchboard, and girder base for engine and dynamo.
Type K

Ronaldson Tippett Type K No.6 Direct Drive Lighting Unit
No. 6 Plant – Direct Coupled or Belt Driven – comprises 6 H.P., heavily built, slow speed vertical Petrol Engine, highest grade British Dynamo.
As this set is for large installations, the voltage of the dynamo and size of battery depend on the work to be done.
Type G

Ronaldson Tippett Type C
32-volt full automatic electric lighting plant embodying a Ronaldson Tippett type G, 4 H.P. Petrol engine and a 1,500 watt generator.
Ronaldson Tippett Type D
110 volt, 1,900 watt full automatic plant with Type G, 4 H.P. petrol engine is very similiar in design.

Ronaldson Tippett Type W
32-volt battery charging electric lighting plant embodying type G, 4 h.p. petrol engine and 1,900 watt Generator.
Ronaldson Tippett Type DB
plant 110-volt, 1,900 watt generator is very similiar design.
Ronaldson Tippett The Type A, switchboard illustrated with this plant embodies a recording meter for showing the state of the charge of the batteries. It also serves to stop the Engine by short-circuiting the magneto when batteries are fully charged.
On other switchboards where a recording meter is not fitting, an automatic cut-out is used for this purpose. Provision is made on Type A, Switchboard for charging up a car or radio battery by connecting wires to two terminals on the board itself.
Type N

Ronaldson Tippett Type BA
32-volt Battery Charging Electric Lighting Plant embodying Type N, 1 ½ h.p Engine and 600-watt Generator.
This plant is semi-automatic, with press-button start and automatic stopping device for Engine when battery is charged.

Ronaldson Tippett Type CW
12-volt Battery Charging Electric Lighting Plant embodying Type N, 1 ½ H.P. heavy duty, Hopper-Cooled, Petrol Engine and 300-watt Generator.
This engine on type MW, and CW Plants will use only one gallon of petrol per week for average requirements.

Ronaldson Tippett Type MW
32-volt Battery Charging Electric Lighting Plant embodying Type N, 1 ½ h.P. heavy duty, Hopper-cooled, Petrol Engine and 320 watt Generator.
This engine weighs 3- cwt. Tells a story of substantial construction, ensuring lifelong satisfaction.
This engine runs from 10 – 12 hours on a gallon of petrol.

Ronaldson Tippett Type DMN
32 volt direct lighting plant embodying a Ronaldson Tippett Type N, 2 H.P. petrol engine and 650-watt generator.

Ronaldson Tippett Type RN
32 volt battery charging electric lighting plant embodying Type N, 3 H.P. petrol engine and 1,000 watt generator.
Ronaldson Tippett Type MN
Plant embodying Type N, 2 H.P. petrol engine and 32 volt, 800 watt generator and is similar in design.

Ronaldson Tippett Type TN
32 volt full electric lighting plant embodying a Ronaldson Tippett Type N, 3 H.P. petrol engine and 850 watt generator.
Ronaldson Tippett Type JN
32 volt 650 watt generator, full automatic plant with type N, 2 H.P. petrol engine is very similar in design.

Ronaldson Tippett Type LN
Smallest and most popular Ronaldson Tippett Battery-Automatic Electric lighting plant is this type LN 32-volt plant of 800 watt capacity, powered by a Ronaldson Tippett Type N, 2 H.P. petrol Engine
Ronaldson Tippett Type SN
32 Volt battery automatic electric lighting plant of 1,000 watt, powered by a Ronaldson Tippett Type N, 3 H.P. Petrol Engine
Type CM

The following three lighting plants run a 3 ½ B.H.P. Ronaldson Tippett Diesel engine as the power unit.
RD plant has a 1,000-watt 32-volt generator.
RF plant has a 1,500-watt 32-volt generator.
WF plant has a 1,500-watt with 110-volt generator.
All plants have a Vee-belt drive – the engine and generator being placed on a concrete bed. Cast iron slide rails are supplied to carry the generator, providing an easy means of tightening the belt.
This type of plant is capable of giving highly satisfactory service – the Vee=belt drive being efficient, reliable and all that could be desired.

The following three lighting plants run a 3 ½ B.H.P. Ronaldson Tippett Diesel engine as the power unit.
RD plant has a 1,000-watt 32-volt generator.
RF plant has a 1,500-watt 32-volt generator.
WF plant has a 1,500-watt with 110-volt generator.
All plants have a Vee-belt drive – the engine and generator being placed on a concrete bed. Cast iron slide rails are supplied to carry the generator, providing an easy means of tightening the belt.
This type of plant is capable of giving highly satisfactory service – the Vee=belt drive being efficient, reliable and all that could be desired.
Type CF

Ronaldson Tippett Type WA
32 volt battery charging electric lighting plant embodying type CF, 5 h.p. vertical diesel engine and 1,900 watt generator.
Type CVE, CVF, CVG, and CVH plants are very similiar in design.
In the centre of this Ronaldson Tippett Type A, switchboard is a recording metre for showing the state of charge of the batteries. When used in conjunction with a Diesel Engine this meter will not provide for automatically stopping the engine, unless an extra relay is fitted to the board and a solenoid to the engine for lifting the exhaust valve and cutting off the fuel supply.

Ronaldson Tippett Type CB
32 volt full automatic electric lighting plant embodying Ronaldson Tippett Type CF, 4 H.P. vertical diesel engine and a 1,500 watt generator.
Also manufactured are 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 and 5,000 watt, 110 volt full automatic plants which are very similiar in design to this type CB, Plant.

Type ACF – Direct Coupled

Type ACFB – Belt Driven

Ronaldson Tippett Type OCB
32 volt combined battery automatic electric lighting plant, embodying a Ronaldson Tippett Type CF, 5 H.P. vertical diesel engine and 1,700 watt generator.

Ronaldson Tippett Type CVP
110 volt combined battery automatic electric lighting plant, embodyinh a Ronaldson Tippett type CF, 5 H.P. vertical diesel engine and a 2,000 watt generator.
Ronaldson Tippett Type CVR
110 volt combined battery automatic electric lighting plant, embodyinh a Ronaldson Tippett type CF, 8 H.P. vertical diesel engine and a 3,800 watt generator.
Ronaldson Tippett Type CVM
110 volt combined battery automatic electric lighting plant, embodyinh a Ronaldson Tippett type CF, 6½ H.P. vertical diesel engine and a 2,900 watt generator.
Type CV

Ronaldson Tippett Type DVD
110-volt direct lighting electric lighting plant embodying a Ronaldson Tippett Type CV,8/9 h.p. vertical diesel engine and 5,000 watt generator.
The Commonwealth Government has purchased a number of sets similiar to this plant for use in lighthouses and for lighting aerodromes.
Type CK

Ronaldson Tippett Type CK Generating Set
25/27 ½ H.P. Type CK, Twin cylinder vertical diesel engine, 1,000 RPM powering a 15 k.v.a at .8 power factor 415/240 volt, 3 phase, 50 cycle.

Ronaldson Tippett Type ACG
240 volt A.C, 50 cycles, 4 kva, 3.6kw.
Engine is a Ronaldson Tippett Guldner Type LK.
1 cylinder, air cooled diesel rated at 8 h.p. at 3,000 rpm (Full Load).
12 volt starting battery.
4 ¾ gallon fuel tank with a full load fuel comsumption of 1 gallon per hour.