Ronaldson Tippett – Lighting – Battery Charging – Free Air Plant
Ronaldson Tippett 2½ H.P. Vertical Petrol Engine enclosed crankcase, with automatic splash lubrication.
A slow speed, heavy duty engine, with all working parts substantially built, combing the features found necessary in a quarter of all century of engine building for Australian requirements.
In addition to providing power for the Compressor and Generator, the engine can be used for driving a line shaft, from which can be driven a drilling machine, forge, emery wheel, lathe, etc.
Ronaldson Tippett Air compressor. Water cooled head bore 3 3/4 inch, stroke 4 inch. Raises pressure in the container from 0 lb. to 100 lb. in 7 or 8 minutes, or raises the press from from 60 lb. to 100 lb. in 4 minutes.

Compressed air container, 4 foot high by 1 foot 6 inch diameter, of steel plates, built for working pressure of 100 lb. to the square inch.
Dynamo of high grade English manufacture, with a considerable overload capacity. A voltage regulator is included with the dynamo, so that the current can be varied from 8 to 8 volts up to 40 volts for battery charging. Under this arrangement 6 volt, 12 volt batteries can be charged singly or in series up to the equivalent offer 6-volt batteries at once.
Lighting service at 32 volts can be taken off the same machine.
Belting of suitable lengths and all pipes and fittings, including pressure gauge, safety vale, check valve, wheel valve, and 20 foot of heavy rubber tubing with automatic valve.