Ronatip Oils
Ronaldson Bros. & Tippett made and sold their own range of oils for different applications for their engines and machinery.
This included: Chaff cutters, corn crushers, combines, engines, elevators, graders, gristers, hay presses, harvesters, headers, milking machines, plows, presses, reapers, saw benches, shearing machines, strippers, separators, threshers, tractors, windmills and wool presses.
To the right is an original label from a Ronatip Oils tin. To the right of this is a label that I have scanned and redrawn to include corrected colours of the flowers and animals.
The wording at the bottom of the label which reads “Oil No. 7. “Ronatip” Tractor Cylinder.” could be removed and replaced with the corresponding oil that was in the Tin.
The chart further down the page “List Of Machines” shows the different types of oils.
Our colourised and vectorised version.
Poster available from our online store.
Click here
List Of Machines
To the right is an original corresponding graphic showing the different oils that Ronaldson Bros. & Tippett produced and sold for their machinery.
The yellow RotaTip oil tin label up above shows Oil No. 7. “Ronatip Tractor Cylinder which can be seen on the corresponding graphic to the right.

Note the Ronatip Oil containers on the shelves.

“Ronatip” Oil Chart
Oil No. 1. “Ronatip” Engine Cylinder Oil.
For use in all sizes of Oil Engine Cylinders and the Governor of Ronaldson-Tippett Engines, also on Tractor Magnetos.
Oil No. 2. “Ronatip” Bearing Oil.
For all year use in Engine bearings also for bearings in chaffcutters, corncrushers, sawenches, shearing machines, milking machines, etc.
Oil No. 3. “Ronatip” Heavy Bearing Oil.
For summer use in bearings of Engines, chaffcutters, corncrushers and sawbenches, also for general use in ordinary climates on reapers, harvesters, headers, strippers, combines, etc.
Oil No. 4. “Ronatip” Extra Heavy Bearing Oil.
A heavy bodied oil for use in Harvesters, headers, strippers, combines, plows etc. Can be used in open oilers or wick cups.
Oil No. 5. “Ronatip” Extra Heavy Harvester Oil.
A very heavy bodied oil for special Summer use in hot climates on harvesters, headers, strippers, etc. Not for use in open oilers or wick cups.
Oil No. 6. “Ronatip” Plow Oil.
An extra heavy bodied oil for plows.
Oil No. 7. “Ronatip” Tractor Cylinder Oil.
Specially selected Oil for use in “Ronaldson-Tippett” Tractors; carefully tested for use with Trator Engines using kerosene. We can recommend this oil for many other makes of tractors.
Oil No. 8. “Ronatip” Tractor Transmission Oil.
Specially selected for use in the transmission gear of “Ronaldson-Tippett” Tractors.
Oil No. 9. “Ronatip” Tractor Grease.
For use in grease cups on tractors and in other machinery where grease cups are used. It is essential that a high grade grease should be used. Cheap greases harden and clog up grease ports.
Oil No. 10. “Ronatip” Seperator Oil.
For use in all types and sizes of Seperators, also magnetos, of engines.
Oil No. 11. Turbine Seperator Oil.
Grease No. 12. Tractor Water Pump Grease in 1lb. tins.
Oil No. 13. “Ronatip” Cylinder Oil for 2.
Note: The above is a guide put out in the 1920s by Ronaldson Bros. & Tippett. We take no responsibility for you using 90-100 year old + oil and grease.